13th KAZAKHSTAN INTERNATIONAL Security, Fire Protection, Information Technologies, Communication and Drones EXHIBITION

Welcome Letters 2013

Dear visitor and exhibitors!

I want to welcome and congratulate you on the opening of the 3rd Kazakhstan International Exhibition – Protection, Security, Fire Safety and Rescue - AIPS 2013 on behalf of the Trade Mission of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

I can safely say that this exhibition due to its saturation with new solutions and effective proposals becomes more and more popular year after year, and ultimately enhances the security of the state, every citizen of Kazakhstan and visitors coming to the country. It is in the exhibition, in communication with the participating companies, in the exchange of views and discussions at the mounts, each specialist has the opportunity to evaluate and learn about new developments and technologies, learn from the experience of colleagues. In general, the participation in the exhibition is not just the show of achievements in the field of security systems which have already become traditional - this is a real tool for shaping a modern and efficient system of public security. I am sure that the best practices and innovations of this year's exhibition will not go unclaimed by the specialists.

I wish the participants and visitors successful work and new achievements, further cooperation and collaboration. And, of course, security!

Trade representative
of the Russian Federation
in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Yakovlev A.V.